2024 „Boden & Wasser: Eine wilde Liebschaft", im Rahmen der Bodentage, Stiftung Kunst und Natur, Nantesbuch/DE
2024 „Colloquium Organic Circuits", LÁ Art Museum, Hveragerdi, Island/ISL (Kat.)
2024 „Podiumsdiskussion: Donau, Inseln, Transformation und Autonomie", Salonschiff Fräulein Florentine, Linz/AT
2024 „Podiumsdiskussion: Die Donau – ein gebauter Fluss", Lentos Kunstmuseum, Linz/AT
2022 „Reflex Landschaftsbilder" bei der Tagung Nature through a lense, Stiftung Kunst und Natur, Nantesbuch/DE
2022 „Reflex Landschaftsbilder" vor dem Beirat des Nationalpark Donauauen, Rathaus Wien/AT
2022 Öffentliches Gespräch mit Prof. Klement Tockner und Herwig Turk im Museum Sinclair-Haus, Bad Homburg/DE
2022 „Anamnese einer Landschaft“ Lectures 4 Future, Universität für Bodenkultur, Wien/AT
2022 „Anamnesis of a Landscape“ Internationales Symposium RIBES – River flow regulation/IGB, Berlin, Flagogna/IT
2019 „Encontro "imagem, arte e ciência" - Herwig Turk” Vortrag an der Fakultät der Erziehungswissenschaften, Unicamp in Campinas/SP, Brazil
2018 „Leben am Limit“ Discussion about Social Design Strategies used for Interventions at the social housing complex Siebenhügelstrasse in Klagenfurt, Künstlerhaus Klagenfurt/AT
2018 „Panel discussion and studio visit moderation within the Research Day" Zurich University of the Arts/CH
2017 „Artist in the Lab - shared perception and collective efforts“,ENLIGHT-TEN annual network meeting, Medical University Vienna/AT
2017 Kunst – im Widerstreit, Seminar mit Eva Maria Stadler, Forum Alpbach, Alpbach/AT
2017 „Kunst und Klinik“, Lecture about Art in Dialog with Hospitals and Molecular Medicine Institutes, University of Fine Arts Linz und Ordensklinikum Linz/AT
2017 Presentation of the Social Design Studio Program at the Academy of Fine Arts in Wuhan/CH
2017 Presentation of the Social Design Studio and Studioprojects with relevance for Chinese Urban Development, in the Seminar of Prof. Francesca Valsecci at the Tongji University Shanghai/CH
2017 Opening Lecture International Workshop Art in Public Space / Dashilar, Academy of Fine Arts Shanghai/CH
2017 „Unpacking Burckhardt“, Presentation of the Social Design Studio and Studioprojects within the Documenta 14 Education Sessions at the Narrowcast House in Kassel, Documenta 14 Kassel/G
2016 „Herwig Turk: Landscape = Laboratory“, Artist Talk, Departement of Media Theory, University of applied Arts Vienna/AT
2016 „Science/Power, Sideffects of civic and military research“, Public Discussion with Barbara Putz-Plecko and Werner Wintersteiner, MMKK Kärnten, Klagenfurt/AT
2016 „Die Harmonie der Täuschung“ Die Künstlerische Praxis / Institut für Kunst und Bildung, Kunstuni Linz/AT
2015 „Tacit Knowledge Experiments“, Intuition Conference, FFA BUT Brno/CZ
2015 „Herwig Turk - work between art, technology and science“, Masaryk University, Brno/CZ
2015 „How to fraternize with Scientists“, Association 08, Vienna/A
2013 „Let's talk pidgin“ Department DIgital Arts, University of applied Arts Vienna, Vienna /A
2012 "The dog beneath the skin or the lost body of the sientist", Paulo Pereira and Herwig Turk, Museu da Ciência Coimbra Pt
2012 conference Art and Science, DIA EXTRA NO SÃO LUÍZ | A Arte de fazer Ciência, Theater São Luiz, Lisbon Pt
2011 presentation of "prototype #1" at IMM (Instituto da Medicina Molecular) Lisbon Pt
2011 conference: Corporalidade(s) em Artes Cénicas - Práticas e Teorias, Paulo Pereira and Herwig Turk, Casa-Lume em Évora - University of Évora Pt
2010 "One cannot say where the organ ends and the processing begins!" at Instituto da Medicina Molecular Lisbon Pt
2010 nomadic 0910, constructions deviations visualizations, international conference university of porto.
2009 "Nature?" (Paulo Pereira and Herwig Turk), Museu da Ciência, Coimbra Pt
2009 "Conversas de Arte & Ciência" (Paulo Pereira and Herwig Turk), Museu da Ciência, Coimbra Pt
2007 BLINDSPOT - lecture Paulo Pereira and Herwig Turk, FBAUP, Porto.
2007 Herwig Turk/Paulo Pereira, Biomedicine and Aesthetics in a Museum Context" workshop, Medical Museion Copenhagen/DK (Cat.)
2006 BLINDDATE discussion, TESLA Salon, TESLA media art laboratory Berlin/G
2006 Presentation Blindspot at “Update Lisboa”, Lisboa20 Arte Contemporânea Lisbon/Pt
2006 Interdisciplinary project „The World as Image“ Workshop Visual Cultures in Art and Science, Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities Berlin/G
2004 “Der Himmel ist nicht blau, er ist violett” together with Paulo Pereira, Medienwerkstatt Vienna Vienna/A
2001 "the living archives meet forget/-ting" at the “Ready to....” International Conference, National Gallery Prague Veletrzni Palac Prague/CZ
2000 Versuchsstation Kärnten, Panel discussion, Kunsthalle Exnergasse Vienna/A
1999 „Podium“ conference about Systems of Art with new Technologies organized by, hartware E.V. Dortmund/G
1999 „pantograf“, Center for Contemporary Art Plasy/CZ
1996 „Kunst mit neuen Technologien aus Österreich“ together with Gebhard Sengmüller, ”MirrorPage, IV St.Petersburg Biennale St.Petersburg/RUS (Cat.)
1996 Zum Bedeutungswandel der Kunstmuseen im Zeitalter der "digitalen Revolution", Kunstmuseum Bonn/G (Cat.)
1996 „Immortality +.....", next5minutes - tactical media, Rotterdam/NL
1996 "Art with new technology from Austria", together with Gebhard Sengmüller,, ”MirrorPage, IV St.Petersburg Biennale, St.Petersburg/RUS (Cat.)
1996 „HILUS intermediale Projectforschung“ together with Gebhard Sengmüller, Hochschule für Gestaltung Basel/CH
1992 “Open Circuit - a Roundtable about art and mediasystemes”, organized by HILUS Pöllauberg/A