
Herwig Turk, Foto: Corn

Photo: Heribert Corn


Herwig Turk lives and works in Vienna. His projects probe the interconnectivity of the fields of art, technology and science.
Since 2021 he leads the development of the project Graben//Landschaft lesen - kopati grapo//brati with Zdravko Haderlap and an Interdisciplinary Research Group in Lepen/Carinthia AT. Since 2016 he has been conducting artistic research on the Tagliamento River in Northern Italy and other river systems. From 2010 to 2013 he was Artist in Residence at IMM (Instituto da Medicina Molecular), Lisbon. From 2003 to 2009, Turk collaborated with Paulo Pereira, head of the ophthalmology department of IBILI (Institute for Biomediacal Imaging and Life Sciences, Coimbra).

In recent years, his work has been shown at venues such as the Museum of Applied Arts, Vienna, the Carinthian Museum of Modern Art (MMKK), Klagenfurt, the Seoul Museum of Art, the Neues Museum Weserburg in Bremen, Museum Sinclair Haus in Bad Homburg,  the Media Art Laboratory TESLA in Berlin, rauminhalt_harald bichler In Vienna, the Galerie Georg Kargl in Vienna and the Transmediale in Berlin, to mention only these.

From 2014 - 2022 he worked as Senior Artist at the department Social Design at the University of Applied Arts Vienna